まずはrspec-core(2.5.1)/features/example_groups/shared_example_group.featureを参考にshared example groupについて調べてみたよ。
require "set" shared_examples_for 'a collection' do subject { described_class.new [7, 2, 4] } its(:size) { should eq 3 } it { should include 7 } it { should_not include 9 } end describe Array do it_behaves_like 'a collection' end describe Set do it_behaves_like 'a collection' end
% rspec -cfs shared_example_group_1.rb Array behaves like a collection should include 7 should not include 9 size should == 3 Set behaves like a collection should include 7 should not include 9 size should == 3
require "set" shared_examples_for 'a collection object' do subject { collection << 1 << 2 } its(:to_a) { should eq [1,2] } end describe Array do it_should_behave_like 'a collection object' do let(:collection) { Array.new } end end describe Set do it_should_behave_like 'a collection object' do let(:collection) { Set.new } end end
% rspec -cfs shared_example_group_2.rb Array it should behave like a collection object to_a should == [1, 2] Set it should behave like a collection object to_a should == [1, 2] Finished in 0.00189 seconds 2 examples, 0 failures
shared_examples_for 'a measurable object' do |measurement, measurement_methods| measurement_methods.each do |measurement_method| its(measurement_method) { should == measurement } end end describe Array, 'with 3 items' do subject { [1, 2, 3] } it_should_behave_like 'a measurable object', 3, [:size, :length] end describe String, 'of 6 characters' do subject { 'FooBar' } it_should_behave_like 'a measurable object', 6, [:size, :length] end
% rspec -cfs shared_example_group_3.rb Array with 3 items it should behave like a measurable object size should == 3 length should == 3 String of 6 characters it should behave like a measurable object size should == 6 length should == 6 Finished in 0.00215 seconds 4 examples, 0 failures
RSpec.configure do |c| c.alias_it_should_behave_like_to :it_has_behavior, 'has behavior:' end shared_examples_for 'sortability' do it { should respond_to :<=> } end describe String do it_has_behavior 'sortability' do subject { 'sample string' } end end
% rspec -cfs shared_example_group_4.rb String has behavior: sortability should respond to #<=> Finished in 0.00275 seconds 1 example, 0 failures
といったところでやっぱりRSpecはまだまだ掘れそうな雰囲気です。いきなりletとかitsとかimplicit subjectとか使いまくってるんで、最初にshared example groupもってきたのは失敗な気がするけどまぁいいか。その辺についてはあとで書く。