
熱が冷めないうちにいろいろやっとこうの構え。 本書でもテスト容易性についての記述はあり、サンプルテストはありますが、実はリポジトリにはテストがありません。


「テスト書いてないとか(ry」という天の声が聞こえる気がするので書いていきましょう。 今回は導入編ということで、シンプルな汎用型のとこだけ。

今回は書籍でも名前だけ紹介されていた Expecto を使います。

open Expecto

module Common =
    open OrderTaking.Common

    module String50 =
        let create =
                [ test "should return value when string is shorter than or equal to 50 characters" {
                      let subject = String50.create "name" "foo"
                      let value = Expect.wantOk subject "should be Ok" |> String50.value
                      Expect.equal value "should equal" "foo"
                  } ]

let main args =
    runTestsWithCLIArgs [] args (testList "OrderTaking" [ Common.tests ])

まぁ普通ですね。でもなんかこう F# らしさが足りない? そんなときは Expecto.Flip を使うといかにもそれっぽい。

open Expecto
open Expecto.Flip

module Common =
    open OrderTaking.Common

    module String50 =
        let create =
                [ test "should return value when string is shorter than or equal to 50 characters" {
                      String50.create "name" "foo"
                      |> Expect.wantOk "should be Ok"
                      |> String50.value
                      |> Expect.equal "should equal" "foo"
                  } ]


open FsToolkit.ErrorHandling
open Expecto
open Expecto.Flip

module Common =
    open OrderTaking.Common

    module String50 =
        let create =
                [ test "should return value when string is shorter than or equal to 50 characters" {
                      String50.create "name" "foo"
                      |> Expect.wantOk "should be Ok"
                      |> String50.value
                      |> Expect.equal "should equal" "foo"

                  test "should return message when string is empty" {
                      String50.create "name" ""
                      |> Expect.wantError "should be Error"
                      |> Expect.equal "should equal" "name must not be null or empty"

                  test "should return message when string is longer than 50 characters" {
                      String50.create "name" (String.replicate 51 "x")
                      |> Expect.wantError "should be Error"
                      |> Expect.equal "should equal" "name must not be more than 50 chars"
                  } ]

        let createOption =
                [ test "should return value when string is longer than 50 characters" {
                      String50.createOption "name" "foo"
                      |> Expect.wantOk "should be Ok"
                      |> Expect.wantSome "should be Some"
                      |> String50.value
                      |> Expect.equal "should equal" "foo"

                  test "should return None when string is empty" {
                      String50.createOption "name" ""
                      |> Expect.wantOk "should be Ok"
                      |> Expect.isNone "should be None"

                  test "should return message when string is longer than 50 characters" {
                      String50.createOption "name" (String.replicate 51 "x")
                      |> Expect.wantError "should be Error"
                      |> Expect.equal "should equal" "name must not be more than 50 chars"
                  } ]

        let tests = testList "String50" [ create; createOption ]

    module BillingAmount =
        let create =
                [ test "should return value when amount is between 0 and 10000" {
                      BillingAmount.create 10000M
                      |> Expect.wantOk "should be Ok"
                      |> BillingAmount.value
                      |> Expect.equal "should equal" 10000M

                  test "should return message when amount isn't between 0 and 10000" {
                      BillingAmount.create -1M
                      |> Expect.wantError "should be Error"
                      |> Expect.equal "should equal" "BillingAmount: Must not be less than 0.0"
                  } ]

        let sumPrices =
                [ test "should return total price when sum is betweeen 0 and 10000" {
                      let prices =
                          [ 100M; 200M; 300M ]
                          |> List.traverseResultM Price.create
                          |> Expect.wantOk "should be Ok"

                      BillingAmount.sumPrices prices
                      |> Expect.wantOk "should be Ok"
                      |> BillingAmount.value
                      |> Expect.equal "should equal" 600M

                  test "should return message when sum isn't betweeen 0 and 10000" {
                      let prices =
                          List.replicate 10001 (Price.create 1M)
                          |> List.sequenceResultM
                          |> Expect.wantOk "should be Ok"

                      BillingAmount.sumPrices prices
                      |> Expect.wantError "should be Error"
                      |> Expect.equal "should equal" "BillingAmount: Must not be greater than 10000"
                  } ]

        let tests = testList "BillingAmount" [ create; sumPrices ]

    let tests = testList "Common" [ String50.tests; BillingAmount.tests ]

module PlaceOrder =
    open OrderTaking.PlaceOrder

    let tests =
            // 後で

let main args =
    runTestsWithCLIArgs [] args (testList "OrderTaking" [ Common.tests; PlaceOrder.tests ])

モジュールや testList の構成がまだ手探りだけど、概ねいい感じ。 関数ごとに分割しなくても、全部まとめてネストさせることはできるけど、階層が深くなりすぎて見た目がアレになったので分けてみた。

Common 名前空間については後はだいたい同じになるだろうから省略。

しれっと FsToolKit.ErrorHandling なんてのも使っている。 今回は List.traverseResultMList.sequenceResultM を使って、list |> List.map Price.createResult<Price, string> list になって不便なところを、 list |> List.traverseResultM Price.create とすることによって Result<Price list, string> になって便利とだけ雰囲気を感じてもらえればよい。 書籍の方でも sequncetraverse について解説されてたので見てくれ。
